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The Most GDPR Compliant B2B Data Available

How do we ensure you are GDPR Compliant?

i-4business is fully compliant with the GDPR in our collection, security, maintenance, sharing and control of personal information.

We ensure you remain compliant, by passing on any opt-outs we receive on a weekly basis. We also inform all our data subjects who our customers and who will processing their contact information.

This means you may receive and fully utilise the email addresses, phone numbers and postal addresses held in our B2B contact database for the purpose of direct marketing communications.

GDPR Requirements in the UK, Post Brexit

GDPR replaced the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive (European Directive 95/46/EC), strengthening the rights that EU individuals have over their data, and creating a uniform data protection law across Europe. The UK government confirmed that the UK has adopted the same level of data protection, now termed the UK GDPR.

The European Commission adopted the two adequacy decisions meaning that you will be able to continue to send personal data between the UK and the EU, without having to meet any additional regulations. 

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Our Key Principles of Data Compliance


The rules call for the contact to be informed clearly and transparently that their contact information is being processed, the purpose of that processing, the identity of anyone with whom it will be shared, how long the data will be kept and how to opt out etc. We provide all this information to each contact on the telephone and via email and we provide it again every six months.


GDPR imposes strict obligations to honour any subsequent opt-outs fully and promptly. We provide each individual with clear details of how to change their marketing preferances. Immediately any such communication is received, it is actioned and the information is then no longer visible. In addition, each client that has received that information is advised that the information should be promptly removed from their files on a weekly basis.

Security & Control

GDPR mandates that organisational and technical measures be in place to protect information from loss, damage (accidental or malicious) and unauthorised disclosure. It also requires us to be fully knowledgeable and aware of all actions against the information. Our rigorous security protocols ensure that we comply fully.


A key requirement of the GDPR is that the information that is processed must be accurate and it must be maintained so that it remains accurate.We focus considerable energy, effort and management attention on ensuring the utmost accuracy, completeness and recency of the information which is reverified at least twice per year. As soon as we are aware that our information may be outdated, we suppress the contact from all use until the information can be brought up to date. Once we become aware that communications by our clients would no longer be relevant, the information is removed.

Access Requests

We maintain a single database and, thus, responding to a data subject access request is simple, straightforward and rapid. The only information held is professional detail sufficient to enable communications relevant to that individual. Every update performed to a record is permanently logged which enables us to provide details re the source of each value held. Every access by a client is permanently logged which enables us i) to identify every organisation with whom the information has been shared and ii) in the event of an opt-out, to ensure effective removal by each client.

i4b Free Trial of B2B Data

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You’ll get 30 days full access to our entire EMEA B2B database to look up as many contacts and companies as you want. No credit card is required and no commitment to continue past the 30 days.

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