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20 Questions to Ask When Buying B2B Data

There are numerous B2B data providers in the marketplace which can make choosing the right one a realheadache so we’ve put together various sources of information and tools you can use to make an informed choiceabout who to partner with for your data.

First off, we did some comparison pieces to look at how we compare to various competitors:

i-4business vs Cognism 
i-4business vs ZoomInfo
i-4business vs Lusha 
i-4business vs

We’ve also got a competitor page that has all the ke yinformation in one place so you can compare B2B data providers at a glance.

Finally, we’ve also created this really handy guide containing the twenty questions that you should consider whenchoosing a B2B data provider.

These cover questions that you would benefit from asking yourself in terms of exactly what you’re looking for andfor what purpose, plus what you should expect from a high-quality, trusted data provider.

1. What type of contact information do you want? Email, postal,telephone or multichannel?

Before you start looking for your preferred B2B data provider you need to know your strategy so that you have aclear idea of how you’re going to use your new data and therefore the type of contact information that you willneed.

20 Questions to Ask When Buying B2B Data Post

2. Do you need data from multiple countries/regions?

Make sure your marketing strategy is sufficient enough so that you know where your target customers are andtherefore the breadth of B2B data that you need in terms of locations.

3. Can you choose the contacts you get based on industry, company size,and geographic location?

It’s important to find a B2B data provider that’s capable of allowing you to build a contact profile. This shouldinclude industry and firmographic information as a minimum.

4. Does it have job roles and are the job roles granular enough?

Targeting the right people within individual businesses is vital when it comes to getting your marketing message infront of the right people. Can the data provider allow you to do this?

5. How does the B2B data provider gather and verify their data, anddoes this result in effective data?

Data needs to be accurate in order to be effective. Find out as much as you can about the provider’s dataacquisition processes.

6. Is the database an opt-in database?

Opt-in consent requires B2B data providers to obtain explicit consent from the user before collecting andprocessing their personal data. This means data subjects will know who will use their data and for what purpose.This helps you remain compliant and makes your campaigns more effective.

7. Does the B2B data provider own the data?

It’s important to bear in mind that some data providers are merely data aggregators, meaning they access theirdata from third party external sources. This means they cannot guarantee accuracy, quality or compliance.

8. How often does the B2B data provider update their data?

Potential issues with using out of date data include:

  • Typically, poor data quality can lead to you missing 50% of contacts.
  • On average you can expect to lose 560 sales hours if you use bad data.
  • Bad data costs companies an estimated 30% or more in revenue.

That’s why it’s vital to make sure your provider updates their data regularly, and that they make changes to thedatabase automatically for you.

9. Is the data compliant and ready to use? Or do you need to make itcompliant first?

Potential issues of using non-compliant data include:

  • You can damage your reputation.
  • You could break the law and risk substantial fines for breaching GDPR regulations.
  • You won’t achieve the optimum results from your campaigns.

That’s why at i-4business we make sure we’re always providing legal, compliant and effective data.

10. Is the data provider registered with the ICO?

All UK data providers are obligated to register with the ICO and to collect data both fairly and lawfully. You can search on the ICO website to check a provider’s status.

11. Are telephone numbers suppressed against the TPS and CTPS andhow often does this happen? (UK only)

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) are opt-out registersthat cover consumers and businesses. Anyone who doesn’t want to be targeted over the phone can leave theirdetails on these registers to avoid receiving cold calls.

12. Does the data cover your target audience?

No doubt one of the first things you will have done is work to understand your exact target audience. Make sureyour B2B data provider can provide the data you need to get your message in front of the right audience for yourproducts/services. If they specialise in your target market, even better.

13. Does the data come with the correct fields to enable you to segment itcorrectly?

The more you can niche down your audience and fine tune your content to match their needs, the more successyou will have with your campaigns. You need to segment and target accordingly rather than just sending the samecontent to all.

14. Does the data come with the correct fields to enable you to segment itcorrectly?

Top tip!
Ask for information on a specific target account you know well. It’s important to validate promises andcheck quality as much as you can before you commit to a B2B data provider.

Does the B2B data provider provide a free trial

15. Does the B2B data provider provide a free trial?

Try to get a free trial that offers unrestricted access and the ability to use the data in a live environment during thetrial period. Any vendor who offers a free trial on this basis is confident that you will want to buy after you try,which is an extremely positive sign.

16. How much does it cost? Is there a minimum quantity or time commitment

Find out all the important commercial and contract information before you buy.

17. Do they offer a guarantee on data quality, accuracy and compliance?

We’ve mentioned the importance of these three quality measures. Can you get any guarantees from any of theproviders on your shortlist?

18. Is the B2B data provider an established and reputable company?

As with any business purchase you will want to make sure that you’re partnering with a company that can offer aquality product backed up by quality support.

What you want to look for:

  • A well-designed company website
  • Transparent and easy-to-find contact information
  • Client case studies
  • Access to existing clients
  • Current online reviews

19. Can the B2B data provider offer other services such as data analysis,cleansing and optimising your current database?

It’s important that you can track marketing performance across the board and that you can make the most of anydata that you already have. Your B2B data provider may have specialist tools that you can use to make the most ofyour existing and future digital assets whilst saving you time in the process.

20. Does the B2B data provider offer a bespoke service to your specificdata needs?

If you have more complex requirements, ask the question. A quality B2B data provider will be able to work withyou to create the exact service that you need in line with your goals.

There are numerous B2B data providers in the marketplace which can make choosing the right one a realheadache so we’ve put together various sources of information and tools you can use to make an informed choiceabout who to partner with for your data.

First off, we did some comparison pieces to look at how we compare to various competitors:

i-4business vs Cognism 
i-4business vs ZoomInfo
i-4business vs Lusha 
i-4business vs

We’ve also got a competitor page that has all the ke yinformation in one place so you can compare B2B data providers at a glance.

Finally, we’ve also created this really handy guide containing the twenty questions that you should consider whenchoosing a B2B data provider.

These cover questions that you would benefit from asking yourself in terms of exactly what you’re looking for andfor what purpose, plus what you should expect from a high-quality, trusted data provider.

1. What type of contact information do you want? Email, postal,telephone or multichannel?

Before you start looking for your preferred B2B data provider you need to know your strategy so that you have aclear idea of how you’re going to use your new data and therefore the type of contact information that you willneed.

20 Questions to Ask When Buying B2B Data Post

2. Do you need data from multiple countries/regions?

Make sure your marketing strategy is sufficient enough so that you know where your target customers are andtherefore the breadth of B2B data that you need in terms of locations.

3. Can you choose the contacts you get based on industry, company size,and geographic location?

It’s important to find a B2B data provider that’s capable of allowing you to build a contact profile. This shouldinclude industry and firmographic information as a minimum.

4. Does it have job roles and are the job roles granular enough?

Targeting the right people within individual businesses is vital when it comes to getting your marketing message infront of the right people. Can the data provider allow you to do this?

5. How does the B2B data provider gather and verify their data, anddoes this result in effective data?

Data needs to be accurate in order to be effective. Find out as much as you can about the provider’s dataacquisition processes.

6. Is the database an opt-in database?

Opt-in consent requires B2B data providers to obtain explicit consent from the user before collecting andprocessing their personal data. This means data subjects will know who will use their data and for what purpose.This helps you remain compliant and makes your campaigns more effective.

7. Does the B2B data provider own the data?

It’s important to bear in mind that some data providers are merely data aggregators, meaning they access theirdata from third party external sources. This means they cannot guarantee accuracy, quality or compliance.

8. How often does the B2B data provider update their data?

Potential issues with using out of date data include:

  • Typically, poor data quality can lead to you missing 50% of contacts.
  • On average you can expect to lose 560 sales hours if you use bad data.
  • Bad data costs companies an estimated 30% or more in revenue.

That’s why it’s vital to make sure your provider updates their data regularly, and that they make changes to thedatabase automatically for you.

9. Is the data compliant and ready to use? Or do you need to make itcompliant first?

Potential issues of using non-compliant data include:

  • You can damage your reputation.
  • You could break the law and risk substantial fines for breaching GDPR regulations.
  • You won’t achieve the optimum results from your campaigns.

That’s why at i-4business we make sure we’re always providing legal, compliant and effective data.

10. Is the data provider registered with the ICO?

All UK data providers are obligated to register with the ICO and to collect data both fairly and lawfully. You can search on the ICO website to check a provider’s status.

11. Are telephone numbers suppressed against the TPS and CTPS andhow often does this happen? (UK only)

The Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and Corporate Telephone Preference Service (CTPS) are opt-out registersthat cover consumers and businesses. Anyone who doesn’t want to be targeted over the phone can leave theirdetails on these registers to avoid receiving cold calls.

12. Does the data cover your target audience?

No doubt one of the first things you will have done is work to understand your exact target audience. Make sureyour B2B data provider can provide the data you need to get your message in front of the right audience for yourproducts/services. If they specialise in your target market, even better.

13. Does the data come with the correct fields to enable you to segment itcorrectly?

The more you can niche down your audience and fine tune your content to match their needs, the more successyou will have with your campaigns. You need to segment and target accordingly rather than just sending the samecontent to all.

14. Does the data come with the correct fields to enable you to segment itcorrectly?

Top tip!
Ask for information on a specific target account you know well. It’s important to validate promises andcheck quality as much as you can before you commit to a B2B data provider.

Does the B2B data provider provide a free trial

15. Does the B2B data provider provide a free trial?

Try to get a free trial that offers unrestricted access and the ability to use the data in a live environment during thetrial period. Any vendor who offers a free trial on this basis is confident that you will want to buy after you try,which is an extremely positive sign.

16. How much does it cost? Is there a minimum quantity or time commitment

Find out all the important commercial and contract information before you buy.

17. Do they offer a guarantee on data quality, accuracy and compliance?

We’ve mentioned the importance of these three quality measures. Can you get any guarantees from any of theproviders on your shortlist?

18. Is the B2B data provider an established and reputable company?

As with any business purchase you will want to make sure that you’re partnering with a company that can offer aquality product backed up by quality support.

What you want to look for:

  • A well-designed company website
  • Transparent and easy-to-find contact information
  • Client case studies
  • Access to existing clients
  • Current online reviews

19. Can the B2B data provider offer other services such as data analysis,cleansing and optimising your current database?

It’s important that you can track marketing performance across the board and that you can make the most of anydata that you already have. Your B2B data provider may have specialist tools that you can use to make the most ofyour existing and future digital assets whilst saving you time in the process.

20. Does the B2B data provider offer a bespoke service to your specificdata needs?

If you have more complex requirements, ask the question. A quality B2B data provider will be able to work withyou to create the exact service that you need in line with your goals.

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About i-4business

At i-4business we’re EMEA B2B data specialists. We offer access to:

You can find out more by calling us on 01252 367400, emailing, or by completing our contact form.

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