Our contractual guarantees mean you can be confident our enterprise B2B database is truly excellent and our coverage is complete, but for us that’s not enough. To deliver all of its potential, it needs to become YOUR database which can be accomplished by using our data integration service.
Data integration provides instant access to the i-4business enterprise B2B contact database from within your systems with the ability to instantly update information.
We can also integrate with other marketing systems on a more customised basis, ensuring your database is always synchronised with i-4business!
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ou may well have a central CRM or Marketing Automation Tool from which you control all your communication programmes. In that case, we’ll synchronise i-4business with that system so that you have one, fully complete, always up-to-date data resource.
The synchronisation feed will contain every relevant organisation and contact – you define the criteria. Each month, you receive an update for every record that has changed plus every new record we have added that month. We transform that data from our style to yours.
You get your entire database updated every month, ensuring that the information you’re using in your Marketing Systems is always fully up-to-date and includes every organisation and person you want to target.
You’ll get 30 days full access to our entire EMEA B2B database to look up as many contacts and companies as you want. No credit card is required and no commitment to continue past the 30 days.
Interested in learning more about our B2B database?
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